Resultados: 8

Transition from disease to survival: accounts of adolescents who have experienced cancer

Abstract Objective: to understand the transition from disease to survival of adolescents who had experienced cancer. Method: qualitative study, developed with the theoretical framework of symbolic interactionism, conducted with 14 adolescent cancer survivors treated at an outpatient clinic after canc...

Necessidades do estomizado intestinal em seguimento oncológico: revisão integrativa

Rev. enferm. UFPE on line; 9 (supl.6), 2015
Objetivo: analisar a produção científica nacional e internacional sobre as necessidades dos pacientes estomizados intestinais oncológicos em seguimento ambulatorial e as ações de enfermagem nesse contexto. Método: revisão integrativa de literatura para responder a questão norteadora << Quais as ...

Paciente com câncer na fase final de vida em cuidados paliativos: vivência do cuidador familiar

Objetivo: Compreender a vivência do cuidador familiar de paciente com câncer na fase final de vida em cuidados paliativos. Método: Estudo exploratório com abordagem qualitativa, realizado em um hospital da cidade de João Pessoa – PB. Foram entrevistados 15 cuidadores familiares, no período de mai...

Os sentidos da sobrevivência ao câncer: da perda do autocontrole ao otimismo e esperança

REME rev. min. enferm; 23 (), 2019
OBJETIVO: interpretar os sentidos atribuídos à sobrevivência ao câncer entre adoecidos adultos e idosos. MÉTODO: estudo exploratório com abordagem qualitativa com método narrativo e referencial da antropologia médica. Participaram do estudo 14 indivíduos adultos e idosos que já haviam concluíd...

Estratégias de enfrentamento dos profissionais de enfermagem frente à morte na oncologia pediátrica: revisão integrativa

Objective: This study’s aim has been to identify the coping strategies used by nurses in pediatric oncology in face of the patient’s death. Methods: This integrative review was carried out using the following databases: VHL, MEDLINE/PubMed, and Google Scholar, from April 1st to May 3rd, 2017. The fol...

Masculinities of prostate cancer survivors: a qualitative metasynthesis

Rev. bras. enferm; 72 (1), 2019
ABSTRACT Objective: To identify the production of knowledge in the health literature about masculinities in the context of prostate cancer survivors and to analyze the implications of this relationship for the maintenance of health care. Method: Metasynthesis of 21 qualitative studies, performed in the...

Patient, cured, victim or survivor of urological cancer? A qualitative study

ABSTRACT Purpose: to describe the meanings that patients attribute to the term cancer survivor and to analyze the identities assumed by them according to their experience with the disease. Methods: qualitative study with a narrative method, theoretical framework of the medical anthropology and identity...

Interaction between professionals and cancer survivors in the context of Brazilian and Canadian care

ABSTRACT Objective: analyze cancer survivors' reports about their communication with health professional team members and describe the similarities and differences in interactional patterns between Brazilian and Canadian health care contexts. Method: This study adopted a qualitative health research app...